HomeExhibitionsAngelo Sarleti

Angelo Sarleti



Angelo Sarleti (born in Reggio Calabria nel 1979; lives and works in Milano) Among his most recent and significant exhibition projects, solo show: MAMMONA (2012), Bilionaires (2009) e Not here (2006), galleria ARTRA, Milan; among the main group exhibitions, remember: 2011 Becoming rather then being, NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (Milan), Careof DOCVA (Milan) and Vessel (Bari), 2008 Arrivi e Partenze, Mole Vanvitelliana (Ancona), 2004 Empowerment Cantiere Italia, Museo d’arte contemporanea Villa Croce and Palazzo Bombrini (Genoa). Among the residency programs and workshops in which he took part: Centre International d’Accueil et d’Echanges des Récollets, 2006 Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art, Parigi; 2003 Networking, Prato (visiting professor Meshac Gaba). In 2011 Angelo Sarleti has also worked to realize infographics for the yearbook scientific IRCCS Fondazione Don Gnocchi, Milan.